

Whatever your goals in life, if you want to have the opportunity to reach them, you must keep your motivation high and know in advance the path that will lead you to them.


You cannot build a house without first drawing plans; you cannot take your car to go on vacation to an unknown destination without first consulting a road map or programming your GPS. It’s the same if you want to lose fat, build muscle and strength or get on top of the podium if you’re competing.

When you start a training or nutritional program, before dropping a single drop of sweat or eating your first leaf of salad, you must first establish a specific plan that will lead you to your goal. You must define the goals that will enable you to reach your ultimate goal and the route you will take to achieve those goals.

This may be, the most crucial element of your success, eve, if it does not directly concern calories, proteins, carbohydrates, bodybuilding, cardio, and so on. This content will include an emphasis on the most potent formula in the world, which will allow you to reach all your goals for sure.

Just follow and apply the following instructions, so that the effects of your nutrition and your workouts on your body are only faster and aligned with your goal. On the other hand, if you ignore this step, like most people, you are doomed to failure, no matter how intense your workouts or the accuracy of your diet because the primary cause of failure in any field is the lack of written and clearly defined goals.

Action without planning is one of the significant causes of failure. It’s like trying to hit a blindfolded target, if you do not know where you want, to go, you’re probably going somewhere where you probably do not want to find yourself.


But before sharing with you the magic formula to achieve your goals systematically, you must understand the hidden why goal setting is so important.

Managing your diet and training well to reach your goals may seem complicated at first, so it’s only reasonable that when you decide to change your first hurdle, you do not know what to do precisely.

You have a lot of articles and information that can help you, but the acquisition of skills is only part of the plan. The more significant challenge for most people is to apply that knowledge to action.

There is a difference between knowing what to do and doing what you know. The setting up of your objectives makes it possible to bridge the gap between your knowledge and your action.

When your goals are firmly in the depths of your subconscious, they provide guidance and stimulate your action.

Goals create energy and motivation. The goals make you out of bed in the morning with the desire to go. To the gym and pay attention to your diet. A goal is a fuel that propels you forward. The magic formula to achieve these goals for sure. Now that you know the importance of setting goals, you need to take action and follow the steps below:

•    Set specific goals

You do not have to formulate your goals in a vague and unclear way, for example, by saying, “I want to be thinner” or “I want to be more muscular.” On the contrary, you need to be as specific as possible, such as how many pounds of fat you want to lose, how many pounds of muscle you wish to gain, how much weight you want to make, how much your biceps or your waist will be measured, what is the size of the clothes you want to wear, etc.

•    Set measurable goals

You must have a way to measure your progress objectively. Otherwise, you will never know if you are going in the right direction and whether or not you have achieved your goals. For this you can, for example, take pictures regularly, measure your fat, and make your measurements.

•    Set ambitious goals

No great thing has been achieved with realistic goals at the start. Too many people set goals thinking about what they believe is possible, but not what they want. This is a mistake because small goals are not motivating. You are on the right track if your goals are a little scary. Because if your goals are not frightening and exciting at the same time, then your goals are too low. Your goals should take you out of your comfort zone.

You must not let yourself be overcome by the fear of failure but remain convinced that anything is possible and that with action, the right tools and perseverance you will reach your goals.

•    Set realistic deadlines

Losing 15 pounds of fat or gaining 5 pounds of muscle in a month is physiologically impossible. Even if you see this kind of announcement everywhere, they are just hogwash. Do not be too impatient to reach your goals, allow time for your body to adapt and change gradually.

Otherwise, you risk the return of the stick and get results opposed to your goals. Be aware that if your goal is to lose fat or gain muscle, you start a marathon and not a sprint.

•    Set long-term and short-term goals

Now that you’re beginning to know exactly what you want, you do not have to set a goal but a list of goals. Your list should include long-term and short-term goals. There are six types of goals that you can set:

  1. Long-term goals which are your ultimate goal such as the image of your “ideal body.”
  2. Objectives over one year
  3. Targets over three months
  4. Weekly goals (week of body composition test and weighing)
  5. Daily intentions (new habits and behaviors to develop and do each day)
  6. The permanent goal of always wanting to do better by continually competing with oneself.
  7. ensure that the objectives are not contradictory

You must put all your attention and energy on your number one goal, your most important goal. The ancient Chinese proverb that says, “He who hunts two rabbits at a time does not catch any.

“One of the common obstacles that can prevent you from achieving your goals is having two or more goals than against each other. For example, train to build strength and muscle mass while trying to improve your performance on the marathon.

You could slowly improve each skill, but that is not how you will achieve ambitious goals. Many people would like to gain a lot of muscle and lose fat at the same time, this can be done with a particular program and good genetics, but the goals are still incompatible.

Achieving your goals will be very slow if not impossible because to lose fat, you need a caloric deficit and to grow muscle, you need an excess intake of calories. One is a catabolic process of the other anabolic process. Therefore, the nutritional programs you need to achieve these two goals are very different.

•    Establish emotional reasons for achieving your goals

We all have days where we do not want to go to training or to make efforts on our food. The secret to staying motivated continuously even in difficult times is not only to have a goal but to know why you want to achieve that goal and the importance it has for you.

When you define the reason, you want to reach your goal; it adds emotion to your goals. The stronger your passion, the more motivated and ready to overcome obstacles to reach your goal.

•    Write a list of objectives in the form of affirmation

Having defined specific, measurable, and ambitious goals and now know why you want to achieve these goals, the next step is to write all your goals in the form of positive statements called affirmations.

•    Read the list of goals at least twice a day and always keep his goals in mind

Psychologists have confirmed that repetition is an effective way to penetrate and program the subconscious. So you can use the power of repetition to influence your subconscious mind and make it easier for you to take action.

Once you have written your list of goals in the form of affirmations, you should read it at least twice a day, it can be in the morning and once in the evening and even more often if you can. To further amplify the effects of repetition, you can rewrite your goals every day.

•   Study your goals with faith

William James that published “The subconscious will put an image held permanently in your mind and supported by faith. Napoleon Hill, author of Reflect and Become Rich, said: “All thoughts emotionalized and mixed with faith immediately begin to be translated into their physical equivalent.”

You must, therefore, have faith in you and confidence in your goals. Faith is when you strongly believe in something that you cannot see.

•    Visualize your goals as if they were already realized

The visualization consists of making pictures or mental films, it is thinking without words but in pictures. When you think of your car, you do not see the word vehicle in your mind but the image of your vehicle. You must do the same with your goals.

You have to imagine with the body of your dreams, or on the top step of the podium with a gold medal around it, it will program your subconscious faster and more profound than just reading your goals.


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